If you require any more information, please phone and leave a message and CONTACT NUMBER and we will phone you back first thing in the morning.
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Privacy Policy
Edinburgh denture
clinicare committed to ensuring the best standards of practice in all its activities. Visitors to our website can be
assured that the protection of privacy and confidentiality are given the highest priority. All personal information is collected, held and used in strict compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998
and this policy is effective from 25 May 2018 in compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). All staff must adhere to their respective company privacy policies (GDPR
Edinburgh denture
clinic do not collect any personal information from people on this site, or use cookies.
Visitors who are just
browsing on this website are not required to disclose any personal information, such as name or contact details. Visitors interested in our services may contact us by phone only.
In certain
circumstances and on very infrequent occasions we may pass on personal information obtained from you to other relevant dental care professionals. You can choose not to have your details disclosed to
third parties by writing to us at Edinburgh denture clinic, 43-45 Montrose terrace, Edinburgh Eh7 5dj
We will not share your
personal data outside of the EU without ensuring that it is afforded the same level of protection as GDPR provides.
Please note that, in
certain circumstances, we may need to disclose information about you if required to do so by law or any governmental body.
You will not have to
pay a fee to control your personal information (or to exercise any of the other rights). However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request for access is clearly unfounded or excessive.
Alternatively, we may refuse to comply with the request in such circumstances.
We don’t use
Edinburgh denture
clinic take appropriate measures to safeguard the information it holds from unauthorised access or improper use. We have a strict internal security policy with which members of staff must comply as a
condition of employment and no external access to the system is permitted. No patient records or personal details are kept electronically, they are all on paper record, and kept under lock and
Edinburgh denture
clinic take all reasonable measures to ensure that the information it holds is accurate. In particular it uses reliable collection methods and destroys or converts to an anonymous form any
out-of-date data. Individuals may request details of all personal information held by us so as to contest inaccurate or incomplete data, verify the information and have it corrected as appropriate
although we may charge an administration fee of £10 to cover our costs in dealing with your request.
All bills are settled
at the treatment completion appointment.
Privacy notice
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